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Ökenstenskvätta - Oenanthe deserti - Desert Wheatear - Traquet du désert
NF Photo 121112, Barrage Youssef Ibn Tachfin, Morocco
This is a female of the Desert Wheatear. They live in the desert. I think it is a brave bird sitting on that bush with all the needles. :)About Desert Wheatear on wiki
you tube video a male
Wild Bird Wednesday
The Moroccan diary on my Travel blog
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Labels: NatureFootstep, Monica Johansson resor, travel, fågelskådning, birding, photography, fåglar, birds, bird, birdblog, fågelblogg, sweden, fotoutmaning, challenge, Marocko, Morocco, observation des oiseaux, la photographie, les oiseaux, les oiseaux, oiseau, blog oiseau, Suède, photo défi, défi, le Maroc