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NF Photo 121115, Dakhla Bay, Western Sahara, Morocco
This one puzzles me. At first I thought it was a Black-headed Gull in winterplumage. But I don´t see any dark markings on the head. Bill and legs are red on this shot and the legs seem very long. I can´t figure out from my book who it is. Anyone knows??
Wild Bird Wednesday
The Moroccan trip report on my Travel blog
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Labels: NatureFootstep, Monica Johansson resor, travel, fågelskådning, birding, photography, fåglar, birds, bird, birdblog, fågelblogg, sweden, fotoutmaning, challenge, Marocko, Morocco, observation des oiseaux, la photographie, les oiseaux, les oiseaux, oiseau, blog oiseau, Suède, photo défi, défi, le Maroc
no ID, Marocko, Morocco, Dakhla, Western Sahara,