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Ökenberglärka - Eremophila bilopha - Temminck’s Horned Lark
NF Photo 121113, Lärkslätten, Morocco
I can´t find any notions of any difference between males and females so I have no idéa of what this is. I thought it was male but I´m not sure. About Temminck’s Horned Lark on wiki Birdguides images
a busy bird on you tube video
Wild Bird Wednesday
The Moroccan diary on my Travel blog
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Labels: NatureFootstep, Monica Johansson resor, travel, fågelskådning, birding, photography, fåglar, birds, bird, birdblog, fågelblogg, sweden, fotoutmaning, challenge, Marocko, Morocco, observation des oiseaux, la photographie, les oiseaux, les oiseaux, oiseau, blog oiseau, Suède, photo défi, défi, le Maroc