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NF Photo 121114, Layounne, Western Sahara, Morocco
We spotted the pair from the bus and made the driver step hard on the brake. Everyone shouted STOP!
This is a very beautiful red headed falcon. It was very hard to get shots of it. We was not close them and it was hot so thereas heat shimmer in the air. Still I manage to get something. Acc to our tour guide it was probably one adult and one juvenile.
Om Slagfalk på wikiWe spotted the pair from the bus and made the driver step hard on the brake. Everyone shouted STOP!
This is a very beautiful red headed falcon. It was very hard to get shots of it. We was not close them and it was hot so thereas heat shimmer in the air. Still I manage to get something. Acc to our tour guide it was probably one adult and one juvenile.
About Lanner Falcon on wiki
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Wild Bird Wednesday
The Moroccan trip report on my Travel blog
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Labels: NatureFootstep, Monica Johansson resor, travel, fågelskådning, birding, photography, fåglar, birds, bird, birdblog, fågelblogg, sweden, fotoutmaning, challenge, Marocko, Morocco, observation des oiseaux, la photographie, les oiseaux, les oiseaux, oiseau, blog oiseau, Suède, photo défi, défi, le Maroc
Slagfalk, Falco biarmicus, Lanner Falcon, Le Faucon lanier,